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Lola Lely

Aberfeldy Stories: Colours of Home 

Role: Project Management for Company, Place



Client: Ecoworld and Poplar HARCA

Location: Aberfeldy Village, London, UK

Date: 2021

Curated and commissioned by Company, Place, 'Aberfeldy Stories: Colours of Home’ by Lola Lely was a textile art installation that connected and celebrated the local businesses, residents landscape and the textile history of Aberfeldy Village.

Hemp cloth banners, naturally dyed, weather-proofed with wax and adorned with tassels made from remnants were installed as a trail across the Village.  This low-waste, hyper-localised manufacturing project sought to minimise the environmental impact of a large-scale art installation in the public realm.  The patterns included motifs inspired by natural and architectural features of the local area. Key design elements of the banners were produced on-site through a series of free community workshops led by Alisa Ruzavina and Hayley Caine, these included foraging for natural dyeing materials – such as local plants and kitchen waste to create a community colour swatch book – and tassel making.  The workshops also held space for knowledge exchange beyond natural dyeing, recipes were swapped and stories from home told.

This thoughtful design and the experimental processes involved not only demonstrated Lely's achievements as a maker whose work focuses on the interconnection between the natural world and material culture, but also created space to reflect on the inherent sustainability of large-scale public art installations, providing a model of how these could be achieved differently in the future.

Photographs courtesy of Melanie Issaka and Yesenia Thibault Picazo
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